Standing water kills business. If you have standing water in your building or office, you need to give us a call immediately at 904-417-7415! We can have our emergency water extraction at your door in less than 30-45 minutes!
Standing Water is a huge threat to business. American Insurance Association states “Water damage claims have been growing faster than other components of homeowner’s insurance.” Standing water is also a great way to breed bacteria and insects and attract them to your business, which is a great way to drive away business.
Our Water Extractor Services
When Plumbing fails at what it does, you need to act fast to make sure that the standing water is already invading your space does not overtake you. Here are the steps you should follow to reduce the amount of damage to your business before our plumbers arrive at your location.
Identify the Leak – If you have the ability to stop the leak yourself, we insist you do it immediately. If you cannot stop the leak, stop the source of water. Turn off your emergency water valve, so water stops running to your business.
Map out the Area – When you map out the area you let us know where the water has spread to and give us an idea of where it is coming from. By mapping out your affected area, we can work faster and more thoroughly. You also need to make a note of what kind of water is affecting you, if you are being hit by water that is from sewage
Dry what you can – Grab extra towels or absorbent materials that would be able to stop the flow of water and thus impending damage to your establishment!
All Hours Emergency Plumbers!
We are open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. If you are at risk for water damage and would a leak detection service or an on-the-phone consultation, give us a call now at 904-417-7415!